10 Best Free and Open-Source JavaScript Color Pickers

10 Best Free and Open-Source JavaScript Color Pickers


Shading pickers are confounded UI components that permit clients to pick a shading from a given range. There are two different ways of adding a shading picker to your site page. The first includes essentially utilizing an information component with the kind property set to shading. It’s not difficult to add, and you can join occasion audience members to roll out any improvements to the site page contingent upon the chosen shading.

One issue with making a shading picker utilizing the info component is that the UI can vary fundamentally among various programs. This may not generally be alluring, contingent upon what you are making. Your clients will by and large hope to see just minor changes in the UI regardless of the program they are utilizing. Likewise, the visual appearance of the inherent shading picker probably won’t mix as expected with the general subject of your site.

You can take care of this issue with the assistance of JavaScript-based shading pickers. In this post, I will educate you concerning the absolute best free and open-source JavaScript shading pickers with their own exceptional components and UI.

Huebee Color Picker

The Huebee Color Picker gives you an easy-to-understand interface for showing a restricted arrangement of shadings. Generally, shading pickers request that you pick tones from a slope shifting starting with one point and then onto the next. Huebee, then again, shows a particular arrangement of shadings dependent on the boundaries you set.

The introduction choices for the shading picker permit you to indicate the number of tints that you need to remember for the shading picker. You can likewise choose the number of shades and immersion, alongside the principal tint for the shading framework. There’s even a choice to show your own arrangement of custom tones inside the shading picker by passing them as a cluster.

Moreover, Huebee has an occasion audience that permits you to make a move at whatever point there is an adjustment of the picked shading esteem. There are four distinct properties that you can use to get to the full shading worth or its tint, immersion, and radiance separately. You can likewise check if a client picked a light or dim shading by utilizing the right property.

Different components of the Huebee shading picker are recorded on the authority site.

Bootstrap Colorpicker

As you would have speculated, the Bootstrap Colorpicker is a shading picker module for Bootstrap. It has two unique adaptations. The 2x rendition works with Bootstrap 3 and 4, while the 3x variant works with Bootstrap. Something worth being thankful for about the 3x rendition is that it will in any case work regardless of whether you are not utilizing Bootstrap by any means. You just need to set the worth of the popover choice to bogus or invalid during the introduction to utilizing it without the Bootstrap system.

There are many fascinating things that you can do with this library. For instance, you can make a predefined shading range to show to the client alongside the shading picker. You can likewise make a further developed shading picker which will make dynamic tone samples dependent on the shading that you have presently chosen.

You have a great deal of command over the UI of the shading picker. This remembers everything from rolling out slight improvements for its appearance to adding completely new components like buttons with your own HTML layout. The documentation on the site covers this in more detail.

React Color

There are a couple of various sorts of UI that sites and applications use for shading pickers. Have you at any point needed to attempt any of them on your own site? The React Color library permits you to do exactly that.

It accompanies 13 distinct pre-fabricated shading pickers that copy the UI of well-known sites and applications like GitHub, Photoshop, Chrome, and Twitter. That, yet you can likewise utilize various parts to make your own interesting shading picker.

MD Color Picker

The MD Color Picker is really an Angular-based shading picker whose UI is motivated by Material Design reasoning. It additionally utilizes a little library called tinycolor.js to control shading esteems.

The shading picker gives clients a wide range of methods of choosing colors from a spring-up. They can utilize the old-fashioned RGB range or go with RGBA sliders. They can likewise utilize two distinctive shading range variations to pick a shading that they like. You can add a discretionary component to monitor a client’s previous shading determinations to assist them with rapidly picking tones.


Colorjoe is a straightforward and scaleable shading picker that you can without much of a stretch incorporate into your site. The term scaleable here alludes to your capacity to characterize the measurements and control the design with CSS so it looks incredible on all screen sizes.

It accompanies two unique occasion audience members—change and done—to assist you to respond dependent on client cooperation with the shading picker. Passing a lot of boundaries during the introduction permits you to make an RGB or HSL picker. The API additionally makes it simpler for you to add your own UI components to the shading picker to redo it as indicated by your necessities.


Iris is a straightforward shading picker made via Automattic, the organization behind WordPress in addition to other things. It utilizes jQuery and jQuery UI as conditions so can be a decent decision for anybody previously utilizing those two libraries. You can basically coordinate the shading picker in your own site by summoning iris() on an info component after you have incorporated the significant libraries.

There are a lot of helpful choices that you can set to change how the shading picker acts on your site. It is feasible to show a range of normal tones or pass a variety of shadings that you need to show in the range. You have full power over the width of the shading picker just as the area where it springs up when joined to an info component.

Iris additionally has some callback capacities and techniques that you can find out about on the Iris site. It incorporates some live working instances of the shading picker.

Radial Color Picker

This outspread shading picker has an alternate methodology with regard to the UI for a shading picker. It accompanies a spiral slider that shows the picked shading in its middle. The objective is to be as straightforward and simple to use as could be expected.

Remembering this way of thinking, the slider offers support for a screen peruser and console-based shading determination. You can press the all-over bolt keys to increment or reduction the tint esteem. Clients can press the Enter key to close or open the shading picker and press the Tab key to get the shading picker center.

The immersion and glow esteem are passed to the shading picker during starting arrangement. More data about various design choices of the shading picker is accessible from the Radial Color Picker site.

I’ve connected to the Vue adaptation, yet this shading picker is likewise accessible for use with React and Angular.


The ColoReact shading picker is another little shading picker gadget that works extraordinarily with React. It is not difficult to utilize and permits you to make shading pickers of changed intricacy. The UI will be responsive in this load of cases.

The model’s page represents how you can make an exceptionally fundamental shading picker or make something with help for straightforwardness just as shading samples. You can likewise make a custom UI for the shading picker that mixes well with your site.


The ColorPick library is a straightforward jQuery module that you can add to your site to coordinate a negligible shading picker with an advanced look. It has an exceptionally snazzy plan that will mix consistently with practically all sites.

Since this is a jQuery module, you do have to remember the jQuery library for your website page on the off chance that you haven’t effectively done such. Two decent components of this shading picker are its dim mode and the capacity to naturally save late-picked tones for neighborhood stockpiling.

The shading picker utilizes the Flat UI shading data set of course. Be that as it may, you can likewise supply your own arrangement of shadings during the introduction and change the name of the shading range.

You may have seen that this shading picker gives a somewhat little rundown of tones to clients for choice. It makes up for that by giving you the choice to incorporate an information component with its allow custom color boundary where clients can enter a HEX incentive for whatever shading they like.


The iro.js shading picker is the most component-rich JavaScript shading picker gadget in our rundown. The way that it doesn’t have some other conditions makes it considerably seriously engaging. You don’t have to stack any outsider library or system or any CSS or picture documents to make the shading picker work. Look at it in this pen by James Daniel:

A portion of its elements incorporate the capacity to deal with hex, RGB, HSV, and HSL shading esteems with a solitary API. The gadget likewise accompanies its own arrangement of pre-constructed UI parts. You can even pick different shadings from a similar shading picker gadget in case you are attempting to make a shading plan for any new plan or item.

There are a lot of installment choices accessible for you to decide the conduct and presence of the shading picker. These are clarified exhaustively in the documentation of the gadget. You will likewise track down some high-level utilization models for the shading picker there.

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