10 Mind-Blowing Laravel Collections Tricks You Need to Know Today!

Are you a Laravel developer looking to level up your skills and improve your productivity? Laravel collections provide a powerful set of methods that can help you streamline your code and accomplish complex tasks with ease. In this article, we will explore ten mind-blowing Laravel collection tricks that you need to know today. These tricks will not only enhance your development speed but also make your code more readable and maintainable. So, let’s dive in!

Laravel Collections


Laravel collections are a powerful feature that provides an expressive syntax for working with arrays of data. They offer numerous methods that enable you to manipulate, filter, transform, and perform various operations on your data. By leveraging these collection tricks, you can simplify your code and boost your productivity.

Trick #1: Filter Using a Closure

One of the most useful methods in Laravel collections is filter. It allows you to filter the collection items based on a given closure. For example, let’s say you have a collection of users, and you want to filter out all the users whose age is above 30. You can achieve this by using the filter method as follows:

$filteredUsers = $users->filter(function ($user) { return $user->age > 30; });

This will give you a new collection containing only the users who meet the specified criteria.

Trick #2: Map and Transform Data

The map method is incredibly handy when you need to transform the data in your collection. It allows you to iterate over each item in the collection and modify it as per your requirements. Let’s say you have a collection of products, and you want to retrieve only the names of those products. You can achieve this using the map method:

$productNames = $products->map(function ($product) { return $product->name; });

The resulting $productNames collection will contain only the names of the products.

Trick #3: Pluck Specific Values

If you need to extract a specific value from a collection, you can use the pluck method. This method allows you to retrieve a single column’s values from the collection’s items. For example, let’s say you have a collection of books, and you want to extract all the titles. You can do this using the pluck method:

$titles = $books->pluck(‘title’);

The resulting $titles collection will contain only the titles of the books.

Trick #4: Sort Collection Items

Sorting collection items is a common requirement in many applications. Laravel collections provide the sortBy and sortByDesc methods to sort the items based on a specific attribute. For instance, let’s say you have a collection of posts, and you want to sort them by their creation date in descending order. You can achieve this as follows:

$sortedPosts = $posts->sortByDesc(‘created_at’);

The resulting $sortedPosts collection will contain the posts sorted by the created_at attribute in descending order.

Trick #5: Chunking Data

Sometimes you may need to process a large collection in smaller segments. Laravel collections offer the chunk method, which allows you to divide the collection into smaller “chunks” of a specified size. This can be useful when dealing with paginated data or performing batch operations. Here’s an example of how to use the chunk method:

$collection->chunk(100, function ($chunk) { // Process each chunk of 100 items });

In the above example, the callback function will be called for each chunk of 100 items in the collection.

Trick #6: Check for the Presence of Items

To check if a specific item exists in a collection, you can use the contains method. This method allows you to determine if the collection contains a given item based on closure or a key-value pair. For instance, let’s say you have a collection of orders, and you want to check if an order with a specific ID exists. using the contains method:

if ($orders->contains(‘id’, $orderId)) { // order given ID exists }

The contains method returns true if the item is found, and false otherwise.

Trick #7: Merge Collections

If you need to combine multiple collections into one, you can use the merge method. This method allows you to merge the items from one or more collections into a single collection. For example, let’s say you have two collections of products, and you want to merge them into a single collection. You can achieve this using the merge method:

$mergedCollection = $collection1->merge($collection2);

The $mergedCollection will contain all the items from both collection1 and collection2.

Trick #8: Grouping Data

The groupBy method in Laravel collections enables you to group the collection items based on a specific attribute. This can be useful when you want to categorize your data or perform calculations on grouped data. For instance, let’s say you have a collection of employees, and you want to group them by their department. You can do this using the groupBy method:

$groupedEmployees = $employees->groupBy(‘department’);

The resulting $groupedEmployees collection will group the employees based on their department.

Trick #9: Sum and Aggregate Values

Laravel collections provide several methods for performing aggregate calculations on your data, such as sum, min, max, avg, etc. These methods allow you to calculate the total, minimum, maximum, average, and other aggregate values based on a specific attribute. For example, let’s say you have a collection of sales orders, and you want to calculate the total revenue. You can do this using the sum method:

$totalRevenue = $orders->sum(‘revenue’);

The $totalRevenue will contain the sum of the revenue attribute of all the orders.

Trick #10: Perform Calculations with Reduce

The reduce method in Laravel collections allows you to perform calculations on the items of the collection and return a single value. It takes a closure that defines the calculation logic. For instance, let’s say you have a collection of numbers, and you want to calculate their sum. You can do this using the reduce method:

$total = $numbers->reduce(function ($carry, $number) { return $carry + $number; });

The $total will contain the sum of all the numbers in the collection.


Laravel collections offer a wide range of methods that can tremendously simplify your code and enhance your productivity as a developer. In this article, we explored ten mind-blowing Laravel collection tricks that can take your skills to the next level. By leveraging the power of collections, you can write cleaner, more expressive code and accomplish complex tasks with ease.


Q1: Can I use Laravel collections with Eloquent models?

Yes, Laravel collections can be used with Eloquent models. In fact, when you retrieve multiple records using Eloquent queries, Laravel automatically wraps them in a collection.

Q2: Are Laravel collections lazy-loaded?

Yes, Laravel collections are lazy-loaded, which means that the operations you perform on a collection are executed only when the results are needed. This can improve performance by reducing unnecessary computations.

Q3: Can I chain multiple collection methods together?

Yes, you can chain multiple collection methods together to perform complex operations in a single statement. Laravel collections provide a fluent interface that allows you to chain methods seamlessly.

Q4: Are Laravel collections mutable or immutable?

Laravel collections are mutable, meaning that you can modify them directly by adding, removing, or updating items. However, certain methods like filter or map return a new collection without modifying the original one.

Q5: How can I learn more about Laravel collections?

To learn more about Laravel collections, you can refer to the official Laravel documentation. It provides comprehensive information about each collection method and examples of their usage.

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