Best Free and Open-Source JavaScript Animation Libraries

Best Free and Open-Source JavaScript Animation Libraries


Liveliness can essentially further develop the client experience when utilized appropriately. There are numerous components on a site page that can be vivified to make it wake up. Essential things like the foundation shade of a button or the boundary sweep of certain components on a page can likewise be vivified with CSS.

Be that as it may, CSS has its restrictions, and you should utilize JavaScript assuming you need more power over each part of the components you are vivifying. In this article, I’ll show you eight of the best free and open-source JavaScript movement libraries that you can use in your undertakings today.


Mo.js is a brilliant library for adding JavaScript-based movement illustrations to your site. It is extremely quick and produces smooth liveliness that looks incredible on a wide range of gadgets. It is additionally particular, so you can stay away from additional overhead on the off chance that you just need to utilize explicit parts.

The library has a decisive API which is utilized to set the worth of various properties for the parts that you make. It accompanies four distinctive underlying modules called Html, Shape, ShapeSwirl, and Burst. The explodes and whirls can be utilized innovatively for a wide range of client cooperations with components on your site.

Have a go at clicking anyplace in the above CodePen and you will a decent explosion of circles and stars. It was made by LegoMushroom utilizing the Burst and Shape module in mo.js.

The documentation of mo.js gives a ton of such intriguing models that can assist you with learning all parts of the library.


Anime is perhaps the most well-known liveliness library on GitHub. It is exceptionally lightweight and accompanies a basic and simple-to-learn API. The library can be utilized to invigorate CSS properties, SVG, and DOM credits.

It gives you a great deal of power over the manner by which components are vivified. You can handle the speed, heading, and request in which things move around. There are choices to stop, restart, or invert a movement at whatever point you decide to do as such.

The library additionally has nice help for SVG activity. You can make a smooth transform impact between two distinct SVG shapes or make a line-drawing activity.

Take a stab at tapping the Write the Name button in the above CodePen, and you will see the letters of my first name enlivened each in turn. This demo was important for a progression of instructional exercises about Anime. You can look at them to get familiar with the library.


Popmotion is one more lightweight and famous liveliness library. You can utilize it to energize numbers, shadings, and complex strings. The super vitalize work in the library is simply around 5kb, and the entire library is around 12kb.

You can utilize it to make two sorts of movements: keyframes and springs. You can give a from and to point for keyframe liveliness, in addition to other things. The spring liveliness accompanies properties like solidness, damping, mass, and speed to give your activity a more normal development. The library additionally accompanies numerous utility capacities to use for computations, similar to a point, brace, distance, snap, and so forth

The keyframe activity in the above CodePen demo by gaougalos was vivified utilizing the Popmotion library.


The ScrollReveal library proves to be useful when you need to vivify components as they look into or out of the viewport.

There are a ton of alternatives accessible for energizing the components. You have power over the advancement of the activity with deferral, term, and stretch properties. There are additional choices to control the revolution, scale, and development of the articles you are uncovering. The library likewise accompanies callbacks that can be utilized to figure out what occurs previously or after a component has been uncovered.

The above CodePen demo by Sava Lazic makes an outwardly engaging vertical timetable utilizing the ScrollReveal library. You can make something almost identical to grandstand items or undertakings on your site.


Vivus is an astonishing JavaScript-based activity library that has been made to explicitly energize SVGs. It is exceptionally lightweight and has no conditions.

Vivus offers you three unique ways for vitalizing the ways in an SVG. You can vitalize the lines at the same time, with a deferral, or consistently. It likewise gives you a ton of adaptability when setting the circumstance of liveliness.

A couple of things that you should remember with Vivus is that it generally vivifies components in the request in which they are characterized in the SVG. Additionally, the components you need to invigorate ought to have a stroke rather than a fill.

The decent movement of SVG ways in the above CodePen demo by Alex Nelson was made with only six lines of code and some assistance from Vivus.


You can figure from the name Typed.js that this liveliness library is utilized to type text. You can pass every one of the strings that you need to type as a cluster. The library has additionally carried out a more SEO-accommodating methodology in which the text you need to invigorate with composing can be perused from an HTML div on the website page.

The conduct of the composing activity can be calibrated with the assistance of a lot of boundaries. This incorporates the composing speed, deleting speed, start delay, back delay, circle count, and so on You can likewise characterize a lot of callback works that are terminated on various occasions like in the wake of composing a string.

The above CodePen by Conner delineates how we can utilize this library to make a dull 404 blunder page fascinating.


Adding progress bars to any cycle which will require some investment to finish is a smart thought. This tells clients how quickly the errand is advancing. For instance, you can show an advancement bar in an online picture editorial manager to tell clients that the page isn’t recently stuck but is really chipping away at the picture behind the scenes.

The ProgressBar.js library makes it unimaginably simple for engineers to add trendy advancement bars to their sites. Other than making progress bars for certain underlying shapes like a line, circle, or semi-circle, you additionally have the choice to utilize your own custom shapes. This opens up a lot of fascinating conceivable outcomes.

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